Prostate cancer is the second largest cause of male cancer deaths, after lung cancer in many western countries. Every year, around 12,000 Australian men are diagnosed and more than 2,700 die of the disease. Currently there are 215,000 new cases a year in the USA; 30,000 in the UK; 20,000 in Canada and 12,000 in Australia. If detected early, it can be treated.
It may be life-threatening. Most men do not recognize any signs. There are no actual warning signs, however, the problems associated with the prostate or enlarged prostate show symptoms. It is a slow growing cancer and may prolong for many years. Prostate cancer that develops in younger men usually turns to be more aggressive and hence more life-threatening.
In prostate cancer, some of the cells of the prostate multiply more rapidly than in a normal prostate, leading to a malignant (cancerous) tumor. The tumor grows slowly and remains confined to the prostate gland for many years with no symptoms.
These cancer cells break out of the prostate and attack surrounding tissues and other parts of the body such as the bones, lungs and liver producing secondary tumors.
All men should consider get their prostate tested once periodically from age 50 onwards, or from 40 onwards if his father or brother had (has) this cancer.
This cancer often doesn't produce any noticeable symptoms. So in many cases, it is not detected in early stage.
In general, the signs are similar to those associated with the prostate problem.
If you have any of the enlarged prostate symptoms of prostate problem, consult your doctor or an Urologists.
If the cancer spread to other parts of the body, then the possible symptoms may be weight loss, pain in bones and swelling in feet and legs.
Causes of Prostate Cancer
The causes are not known in most cases. About 10% of cases are hereditary. In some cases, this cancer can be due to the exposure to high levels of radiation. The growth and division of the cancer cells depend on the male hormones, androgens produced by the body.
High sex drive in youth may cause prostate cancer
Men who are more sexually active while in their 20s and 30s run a higher risk of prostate cancer, according to a research done at Cambridge University and published in the BJU International Journal in January 2009. However, the same is not true in case of older males.

Some studies have suggested the following ways of prostate cancer prevention.
Prostate Cancer Prevention
- A low fat diet can reduce the risk.
- In general, heart and cholesterol friendly foods, i.e. healthy heart foods are considered good.
- A diet high in tomatoes, Vitamin E, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts can reduce the risk.
Tomatoes contain lycopene (a pigment that gives tomatoes their red color) is the most powerful carotene, with 10 times more antioxidant power than beta carotene. Studies conducted at the Harvard University in 2003 that risk of developing aggressive prostate cancer can be reduced by 50% by 10 servings per week of tomatoes per week. - A daily glass of pomegranate juice, which is high in antioxidants may be effective in slowing down the progression of prostate cancer according to Dr. Pantuck, a urologist at UCLA Jonson Cancer Center.
Supplements For Prostate Cancer
- Eating selenium rich foods or supplements can reduce the risk. 200 microgram of selenium each day can reduce the risk.
- Eating zinc rich foods (15 milligrams of zinc per day) or supplements can prevent the risk. Zinc is helpful for enlarged prostates and inflamed prostates. A daily zinc supplement totaling 50 to 100 mg is frequently recommended to help shrink an enlarged prostate. Consult your doctor.
Prostate Cancer Treatment
Prostate cancer, if in advanced stage (i.e. spread to other parts of the body) is very difficult to cure. The treatment cannot fully cure men of advanced state, but can enhance their life with several years. However, if the cancer is diagnosed early, it can be treated successfully.
Moral: Follow the simple prevention tips that will control the symptoms of enlarged prostate. This will help to protect your prostate and avoid the prostate cancer. If you find any of the symptoms of prostate problem, you should consult your Doctor. It may be nothing, but you should be sure.
- Surgery Treatment for prostate cancer: The whole prostate gland is removed by an operation called a prostatectomy.
- Radiotherapy Treatment for prostate cancer: The affected area is irradiated with high energy rays that kill the cancer cells.
Another option for treatment is Trachytherapy, in which small radioactive pellets or wires are inserted into the prostate tumor. this type of radiotherapy kills the cancer from the inside. - Hormone Therapy: Drugs are used to either reduce the level of androgens produced by the body or block the effect of androgens on the cancer cells. These stop the growth of the tumor and sometimes shrink it. However, after about 5 - 7 years, the hormone therapy becomes ineffective as the cancer cells start growing without androgens.
- Alternative treatment:The herb Saw palmetto extract has shown to be effective for inflammation and enlargement of the prostate. It is extracted from the ripened berries of the saw palmetto shrub which grows in Georgia and Florida along the ocean. However, its safety and effectiveness has not been proved by FDA. Check with your doctor before taking any herb.
- American Urological Association
- The Prostatitis Foundation
- Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
- Federal Drug Administration
The content on this website is reviewed regularly and is updated when new information is made available. The information provided is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should always seek the advice of your Doctor.
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