Low, High and Normal Blood Sugar Level

You should know about blood sugar levels chart whether your blood sugar concentration or blood glucose level is normal, low or high. If your blood sugar is normal, you need not to worry. But if you have low or high blood sugar, then you should be concerned.

After we eat, glucose from the breakdown of food during digestion is absorbed into the blood stream through the wall of intestine. The glucose level at this point is very high in the blood. Our body takes the amount of glucose for immediate need for energy and produces insulin from the pancreas to lower the level of excess glucose. Any glucose that is not used for energy is stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver for later use. This reduces the glucose to normal level in the blood.

The amount by which our blood sugar levels changes depends on what we eat and when we eat.

When the glucose level falls too low, the liver changes some of the glycogen into glucose to give us energy. If the glucose level stays low for a period of time, conditions of low blood sugar level occurs.

When the glucose level rises too high, insulin is produced by pancreas to lower it. If the blood glucose level remains too high for a time, conditions of high blood sugar level occurs.

Note that when we eat any food in refined form like sugar and white flour (in breads, pasta, biscuits, etc.) or a stimulant (like coffee, drinks), it is digested very fast and glucose enters into blood stream rapidly. The fast rise in blood glucose makes you energetic immediately but soon you feel tired. At this time you need another boost of energy and you eat again.

Sugar, caffeine (in tea, coffee, and soft drinks), tobacco, and chocolate are stimulants. They cause a fast rise in blood sugar reading that drops quickly. They are responsible for sugar fluctuations in blood.

To overcome this situation you should cut them out from your diet and eat natural whole foods, complex carbohydrates, and by not skipping any meals to maintain balanced blood sugar levels. There are some blood sugar lowering foods.

Develop a grazing habit. To maintain steady blood sugar levels or normal blood sugar levels, you should eat complex carbohydrates (grains, pulses, lentils, vegetables, fruits, beans, etc.) as part of your meal. However, you should choose low glycemic foods.

Blood Sugar Level Ranges Chart

The following chart for blood sugar gives the values of normal, low and high blood sugar levels.

Expected blood sugar level values

Blood Sugar LevelAdults mg/dl
Children mg/dl
Normal 70 - 140 mg/dL
(3.9 - 7.7 mmol/l)
70 - 100 mg/dL
(3.9 - 5.5 mmol/l)
Low lower than 70 mg/dL
(lower than 3.9 mmol/l)
lower than 70 mg/dL
(lower than 3.9 mmol/l)
High Over 180 mg/dL
(over 10 mmol/l)
Over 140 mg/dL
(over 7.7 mmol/l)

(See the units given below.)

Normal blood sugar

What Is Normal Blood Sugar Level?
Normal blood sugar level fasting: The normal blood sugar level for a healthy adult on an empty stomach (fasting reading) is between 70 mg/dL and 108 mg/dL (3.9 to 6 mmol/L).
Normal blood sugar level after eating two hours: Two hours after eating carbohydrates rich foods, the values are between 120 and 140 mg/dL (6.7 and 7.8 mmol/L).

High blood sugar

Increased glucose is found in diabetes mellitus, liver disorders, hyperactivity of thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands.

The high blood sugar symptoms are similar to those of diabetes symptoms.
If your fasting reading is between 120 to 180 mg/dL (7 to 10 mmol/L), then you are at medium risk; and your at high risk if the fasting sugar is above 215 mh/dL (11mmol/L).

Low blood sugar

Decreased glucose is found in lower activity (under-activity) of thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands.
If your fasting blood sugar falls below 50 mgdL (2.8 mmol/L), you should seek medical advise immediately.

Signs and Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar

Abnormally low Blood Glucose (less than 70 mg/dL) condition is known as Hypoglycemia.

  1. Sweating, chills and clamminess
  2. Feeling Hungry
  3. Weakness
  4. Nervousness
  5. Dizziness
  6. Fast heartbeat
  7. Shakiness and lack of coordination
  8. Blurred vision
  9. Numbness in the lips
  10. Irritability
  11. Confusion
  12. Unconsciousness

Check your blood glucose to know whether you are having hypoglycemia.

Blood Sugar Level Units

Two units mg/dL and mmol/L of blood sugar level are in use:
mmol/l (millimoles/liter) is Systeme International (SI) unit, used worldwide except USA.
mg/dl (milligram/deciliter) has been the traditional unit for measuring blood glucose level.

To convert
mmol/l of glucose to mg/dl, multiply by 18.

mg/dl of glucose to mmol/l, divide by 18.

1. Blood Sugar Level Ranges
2. Blood glucose monitoring - Diabetes Australia
3. Blood sugar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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