Health Benefits of Turmeric

Details on health benefits of turmeric in cancer, arthritis, acne are considered along with its side effects.

The turmeric family is Zingiberaceae, the ginger family. Its name in other languages is

Haridra (Sanskrit), Haldi, halada (Hindi, Bengali, Gujurati, Marathi), Pasapu (Telugu), Manjal (Tamil) and Arishina (Kannada).

Turmeric Powder Turmeric Root

                                      Turmeric Powder     Turmeric Root

Turmeric (Hindi name: हल्दी, haldi) is a underground stem of a ginger-like plant. It is grown in India, China, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Java, Peru, Australia and the West Indies. It is a bright yellow spice with a pungent flavor.

The health benefits of turmeric are enormous. It is a good anti-inflammatory agent. Research has shows that turmeric may help prevent many cancers including of colon, breast and lung.

Turmeric health benefits
  1. It is a mild digestive, a stimulant, and a carminative. It has healing and antiseptic properties. In India powdered turmeric is used in Beauty remedies as a cosmetic to improve complexion. Turmeric paste is a home remedy for sunburn. It is also used in many commercial sunscreens.
  2. Turmeric Benefit In Arthritis

    It is used in treating arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory property.
  3. Other Benefits of turmeric

    It is beneficial in reducing blood cholesterol, ulcers, loose motion dysentery diarrhea, sore throat cure, indigestion, etc.
  4. Its use in daily diet can improve body's immunity.
  5. Turmeric Benefit In Cancer

    Curcumin that gives the yellow color to turmeric can inhibit the growth of melanoma cancer cells Skin cancer and cause cancer cells to self-destruct, according to a recent study (2005) carried out by the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
    Photo estrogens present in turmeric are helpful in protection against breast cancer.
    A study on mice has shown that it can prevent breast cancer from spreading to the lungs.
    Turmeric with cauliflower can prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
    Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
  6. It's rhizome and root have also been used for parasitic infections, ulcers, sprains, bruises, inflammation of the joints, cold.
  7. It's essential oil is excellent for skin bruises, sprains, fungal infections, muscular pains and Athlete foot.
  8. Scientific research has shown that turmeric aids in strengthening the functioning of the gallbladder, breaking down liver toxinsaids in lipid, metabolization and stops blood clotting.

It can be taken in powder or pill form for medical purposes. The turmeric pills are available in health food stores.

In kitchen, it is mostly used in ground form. The powder will maintain its colouring properties indefinitely though the flavour will diminish over time so it is good to buy in moderation.

An important spice for many vegetable curries, rice preparation and other dishes. In some part of India, turmeric root is used to make a tasty vegetable dish. It is a most important spice in Indian recipes.

Turmeric Nutritional Values


Value per 100g
13.100 gm   
6.300 gm   
5.100 gm   
3.500 gm   
2.600 gm   
69.400 gm   
349.000 K cal
150.000 mg   
282.000 mg   
67.800 mg   
 Folic Acid (Free)
 Folic Acid (Total)
30.000 µg    
0.030 mg   
2.300 mg   
10.000 µg    
18.000 µg    
Minerals & Trace Elements
 Phytin Phosphorus
278.000 mg   
0.390 mg   
8.380 mg   
2.720 mg   
0.069 mg   
97.000 mg   

Source: National Institute of Nutrition, ICMR, Hyderabad, India.

How to Store Turmeric

  1. Buy turmeric root or finely ground powder, look for rich yellow color.
  2. Turmeric spice should be stored in an airtight container in a cool dark place. This spice lose its potency due to heat, light, and air.
  3. As a general rule follow the following guideline for storing the spices: Whole Turmeric corns: 5 years
    Ground turmeric spice: 6 months
  4. Never store it in refrigerator, humidity will destroy it.

Side Effects of Turmeric

In general, it is considered safe even at higher doses for most people. However, it should be used with caution by people with gallstones, stomach ulcers or bile duct obstruction as it may increase these conditions. Doctor should be consulted before taking turmeric supplements, if you are a pregnant women or having serious hearth or liver conditions.

Turmeric Tea Recipe

Because turmeric has powerful natural anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties, turmeric tea can be beneficial in cold or flu and chronic inflammation in the body.

Directions: Bring 2 cup of water to boil and add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Simmer for 10 minutes and strain.
Drink hot. You can add lemon or honey or both to improve the taste of the tea.


  1. Turmeric. Review of Natural Products. Facts & Comparisons 4.0. St. Louis, MO: Wolters Kluwer Health, (June 2009).
  2. Wang L, et al., An Anticancer Effect of Curcumin Mediated by Down-regulating PRL-3 Expression on Highly " /> Y, Muriel P, Pharmacological actions of curcumin in liver diseases or damage, Liver Int. (Nov 2009).

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